World Sugar Research Organisation
Improving worldwide understanding of
sugar's role in health and nutrition
A knowledge hub for the science of sugars and health
Our aim is to improve worldwide understanding of sugar’s role in health and nutrition.

We provide evidence-based scientific information and analysis on sugar's role in health and nutrition. We do this by monitoring global scientific evidence, identifying where scientific consensus is, and where the gaps in scientific knowledge are. To fulfil this objective, we support a small programme of peer-reviewed, transparent research.

About us
We are a not-for-profit research organisation, established in 1978. Find out more about us.

Our research programme
Committed to transparent engagement with researchers and external partners, we support a small programme of peer-reviewed transparent research aimed at addressing knowledge gaps within the global scientific literature on sugars and health.

Find out more

Sugars and health
Evidence-based, scientific information on sugars' role in health and nutrition.

About sugar
Understand sugar, the different sources and types.

Sugars in the diet
The role sugars play in foods, dietary intakes and sources.

Sugars FAQ
Frequently asked questions about sugars and sugars in the diet.
Our member resources and events

WSRO Annual Meeting 2025
WSRO members

Sugars & Health Training
WSRO members

Science Summary: Dietary Sugars and Diabetes
WSRO members